

  • 2020 - due to the corona virus pandemic, a trip to the fair was not organized
  • 14 May, 2019. 150 farmers visited the fair, while Slavka Jovanovic, Sladjana Ljutic and Dragana Bogdanovic visited the fair as representatives of the municipality.
  • 17 May, 2018. 150 farmers visited the fair, while Slavka Jovanovic, Sladjana Ljutic and Dragana Bogdanovic visited the fair as representatives of the municipality.
  • 16 May, 2017. 150 farmers visited the fair, while Slavka Jovanovic, Sladjana Ljutic and Dragana Bogdanovic visited the fair as representatives of the municipality.
  • - Agricultural Fair in Novi Sad - May 2022 - 78 farmers visited the fair


  • 2020 - due to the corona virus pandemic, a trip to the fair was not organized
  • 2019 – ''AGROEXPO'' - Izmir (Turkey) from February 7-10, 2019. 35 farmers, while Sladjana Ljutic and Dragana Bogdanovic visited the fair as representatives of the municipality
  • 2018 – there was not a visit to a fair 
  • 2017 – ''AGROTECH'' – Kielce (Poland) from 15 - 20 March, 2017. 26 farmers, while Sladjana Ljutic and Slavka Jovanovic visited the fair as representatives of the municipality
  • - Agricultural Fair in Izmir - February 2022 - 26 farmers visited the fair

Општинска управа Параћин, Томе Живановића 10. ,35250 Параћин , Србија
телефон +381 35 563 601 , факс +381 35 563 165, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.