
Budućnost LLC from Paraćin, Tome Živanovića bb

  • The total basis of the hall is 1,625 m2, which can be seen from the attached copy of the plan.
  • The basis of the production part is about 1,480 m2 (about 118m long and 12.5m wide)
  • Hall height (up to the roof structure is 7.60 m) 
  • The hall has one bridge crane, with a load capacity of 6.3 tons.
  • The height of the hall to the crane track is 6.3 meters.
  • There are 3 entrances to the hall (2 from the side and one from the front).
  • Each entrance is 4 meters high and 4 meters wide. 
  • There is an annex to the hall with total area of 250 m2 (warehouse space, height 3.6 - 3.0 m).
  • Office space has about 290 m2 (2 levels, GF + 1, 145 m2).
  • Office space is organized in 8 offices (3 on the ground floor and 5 on the first floor, with 4 bathrooms, kitchen...).
  • The hall is supplied with electricity by a transformer of 1,000 KVA, located in MBTS 2x1000 KVA, so that, in case of need, it is possible to add another transformer.
  • There are 2 compressors in operation to supply compressor air, for the needs of higher capacity there is a compressor that can be put into operation immediately
  • The heating of the hall, as well as the office space is on electricity.
  • Possibility of gas connection
  • Concrete floors

Within the company Budućnost, there are 2 more production halls that are larger in total area:

  • Hall ''Budućnost 2'': 2250m2 whose height is 6.5m
  • Hall ''Budućnost 3'': 2150m2 whose height is 7.0m

Site offer for brownfield investment - former textile factory "Štofara" in Paraćin

The municipality of Paracin has an exceptional location on Corridor X and the main international railway corridor through Serbia, at the intersection of important roads to the east and west.

 -Location of the former textile factory "Štofara"

- The textile factory "Štofara" is located along the international railway that connects the north and south of Europe and the Middle East, to which it is connected by an industrial road. It is 2 km away from the E-75 toll ramp (Corridor 10). 

- It is located in the wider city center (650m away from the city center), well connected to the city traffic network and highways.

The position of the factory in Paracin

Location of the factory with facilities

- There is a multipurpose facility on site, with several production halls with total area of 10,535 m2, and height of 2.6-3.2 m. The facility which includes office and warehouse space was built in 1985. The site where the facility is located is equipped with complete utility and traffic infrastructure

The condition of the existing infrastructure on site 

  • Roads: infrastructure is done in the most necessary part: access provided by pedestrian path, passenger, delivery and freight vehicles, arranged sidewalks and roads
  • The on-site industrial railway is directly connected to the international railway connecting the north and south of Europe and the Middle East.
  • Water: technical, hidden distribution in the ground and walls, with connection to the internal network (well with technical water) and with appropriate secondary distribution depending on the need and purpose of consumer places, according to the norms of use for industrial needs, external and internal hydrant network - There is a water supply with sanitary water as well as 2 own wells for technical water with a capacity of 2x30l / s: I thermal water well at a depth of 400 m with a water temperature of 30 ° C II thermal water well at a depth of 200 m with a water temperature of 27 ° C
  • Sewage: hidden distribution in the ground and walls, with its own pre-treatment and with appropriate secondary distribution depending on the need and purpose (fecal waste, technological waste and atmospheric water), according to the norms of use for industrial needs
  • Electricity: transformer station of 8 MWA with appropriate secondary distribution to consumer places and depending on the purpose and needs of users with adequate consumption meter, grounding, with external lighting
  • Heating: internal natural gas boiler room, with secondary distribution to consumer places, alternatively via TA furnace or air conditioning, additional steam installation from the boiler room for production needs
  • Gas installations: there is a measuring and regulating station with a capacity of 3,000 m3 and an outlet pressure for industry of 1.5 bar
  • Compressed air: a complete installation done in the production part from the compressor station with the appropriate network and connections for the needs of production
  • Ventilation, aeration and dedusting: complete installation done in the production part with appropriate vacuum cleaners, distribution network for dust pipes and buses
  • Phone: connection with multiple active numbers

Position :
It is located next to the railway, the state road of II A order and Corridor 10, between towns Paracin and Cuprija

Industrial zone "ZMIČ" An ideal place for your business:

  • Free area: 14.2662 ha / occupied area: 14.9154 ha
  • Ownership: Municipality of Paracin
  • Purpose: industrial production, trade, catering, crafts, other service activities
  • Zone shape - trapezoidal 670 x 728m
  • Altitude 122.50 to 123.30m

The state of infrastructure:

  • Detailed regulation plan and all necessary technical documentation prepared
  • Built infrastructure for the needs of existing and potential investors: roads, water supply, sewerage, electricity, gas
  • 3 substations of power TS 2x630 KVA in use
  • Preparations are underway for the construction of the 4 MVA power line (max power at the location- 2x8 MVA)


  • Water: diameter of PVC pipes to the pressure boosting plant Ǿ 200mm, behind the plant within the zone Ǿ 110mm Pressure: min 1.5 bar / max 3.5 bar
  • Fecal sewage : One pump station main line along roads V and VI entrance to the zone Ǿ 300mm / secondary lines within the zone Ǿ 200mm
  • Atmospheric sewage : on built roads in the zone Ǿ 200mm
  • Gas: currently-available capacity 1200 m3 / h, pressure 3.5 bar, possible up to 4000m3 / h
  • Download price

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Општинска управа Параћин, Томе Живановића 10. ,35250 Параћин , Србија
телефон +381 35 563 601 , факс +381 35 563 165, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.